SESAMME is a Python package for Simultaneous Estimates of Star-cluster Age, Metallicity, Mass, and Extinction. It uses Bayesian methods to model the integrated-light spectrum of a star cluster, assuming a user-specified set of simple stellar population (SSP) models.

This package uses the emcee framework for its Markov Chain Monte Carlo computations. For additional details on the SESAMME algorithm and a look at its first science applications, see Jones, L. H. et al. 2023.

User Documentation


This documentation is under active development. Please check back regularly for new updates!


Source code can be retrieved from @astrolojo on Github

Reporting Issues

If you have found a bug in SESAMME please report it by creating a new issue on the SESAMME GitHub issue tracker.

Please include an example that demonstrates the issue sufficiently so that the developers can reproduce and fix the problem.

Reference API